My missing piece???

Nupur Agarwal
1 min readAug 19, 2020

Oh!! It’s just a *COMPLETE A PICTURE PUZZLE GAME*, why am I posting this.

In a first thought, yeah!! True it is just a simple game to place 4th picture and complete the hen….


Did you think, just one missing leg is making the hen’s life incomplete. So, is our life . Everyone component has a massive role…..

May be for grown ups, above picture is a seconds game but for a child, it’s full brain indulging activity as well as for a hen, her leg is a life line above.

Our life is also placed on the same platform. Life is just a bowl of cherries only if your surrounding is the reason to smile . If one of the part goes missing from life then it is no more like bed of Roses…⚘⚘🌹

But the positivity of the life you hit the nail on the head, then you know which is the missing piece for hen’s leg as well as our life then it is no more a missing piece, just wait for the right time to place the piece…….And the life will be as beautiful as ever :) …

Technicality of a life …

Happy Reading 😀

